Here's a collection of tunes I created with FlexibeatzII
I have found that when I use FlexibeatzII to knock out tracks, not only do I usually end up with wackier results, but my workflow is SPEEDY and the whole experience is more FUN, when compared with working with my usual rig of a few hardware modules and commercial DAWs and plug-ins
EVERY instrument sound in this track has been created by FlexibeatzII: kick and snare drums, hats, bass, lead sounds. Only the vocoding of the vocals was not performed by FlexibeatzII (I used a Digitech Talker). However other tracks listed here use FlexibeatzII's vocoding. See video tutorial 2 on the 'Learn It' page for tips on how to make all the sounds with FlexibeatzII, as was done here
This track was constructed from start to finish on a netbook running an earlier version of FlexibeatzII, during my Eurostar journey from London to Paris in 2009. All vocals in this are recordings made on a Zoom H4 of announcements at platforms and on the train, processed by FlexibeatzII
Good advice to be sure :-) This track features the same sound in multiple channels, but played at different pan and pitch settings
This track features sounds randomly chosen by the application, as well as randomly selected notes in a couple of the patterns. Couldn't have arrived at this any other way!
Quite a bit of FlexibeatzII-processed vocoding and vocal ring modulation going on in this one
Another one featuring sounds randomly chosen by the application. Also some pitchshifting going on here
Like Welcome To Paris, this track features Zoom H4 field recordings, but this time taken in London. There's a comment from a busker in there, a re-arranged TV news item, and FlexibeatzII-processed ring modulation of my vocal sample
Under half an hour from start to finish - demonstrates pitch shifted layering of my spoken word sample